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December 2024 - March 2025



TWO YEARS (8 issues) reading, what people generally say is, the best shamanism magazine on the planet

ONLY £16 (approx $19.00).

TWO YEAR Subscription Special Offer - £16 (approx $19.00 us)

Sacred Hoop is a quarterly magazine, published 4 times a year around the start of March, June, September and December.

All of our Subs are digital - but subscribers have the option to buy a paper issue of Hoop - at cost price - if you wish. This is as an addition to their sub.

These paper issues are supplied direct to you from MagCloud - a Print-on-Demand company. Each issue costs around $14.95 plus postage. To buy a paper issue you pay the printer directly via their secure online payment system. Sacred Hoop receives no money from these sales.

Paper copies are also available to non-subscribers, but at a higher price.

As a Hoop Subscriber you get...

All of these different formats and ways to enjoy the magazine:

  • Full text and images version .pdf
  • Text only .pdf for easy and economic home printing
  • Text only .epub and .mobi versions for mobile and tablet devices
  • 'Flip page' web based e-magazine' for computers and tablets
  • Access to a lower cost paper edition.

After you have paid for your subscription, you will get an automatic email, giving you a download link.

If you experience any download problems, please email Nick@sacredhoop.org and we will reply to you as soon as we can