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December 2024 - March 2025


Sacred Hoop Mission Statement...

SACRED HOOP seeks to network those wanting to learn the spiritual teachings of indigenous peoples as a living path of knowledge. Our contents cover the integration of both old and new ways, and insights that contribute to a balanced and sustainable lifestyle in today's world.

SACRED HOOP honours all spiritual paths and peoples, and does not include material from, or give support to, any individual or group which seeks to oppress or discriminate on grounds of race, lineage, age, sex, class or belief. Nor do we knowingly publish any material that is inaccurate.

Sacred Hoop's Founding Inspiration...

“Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all,
and around and about me was the whole hoop of the world...
I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things

in the spirit and the shapes of all shapes
as they must live together like one being.
And I saw that the Sacred Hoop of my people
was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight
and as starlight, and in the centre grew one almighty
flowering tree to shelter all the children of one mother
and one father, and I saw that it was holy.”

(From the vision of Nicholas Black Elk
Lakota Holy Man: 1863 - 1950)

Below: a Lakota style wooden Y Stick, representing the
Flowering Tree. It is hung with eagle feathers, and has a
'medicine wheel' in the V, representing the Sacred Hoop
of Creation and the Four Directions.

The stick was made for the first ever issue of
Sacred Hoop in 1993, and appeared on its cover.
Now the stick is kept on an altar in the
Sacred Hoop magazine office.