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December 2024 - March 2025


About The Editor - Nicholas Breeze Wood...

Nick has been a shamanic practitioner for over 30 years, combining it with the more shamanic end of Tibetan Buddhism.

He has a special interest in the sacred and ritual objects found in Central Asian and Siberian shamanism, Tibetan Buddhism and the Native American medicine path. He runs 3Worlds - an on-line gallery - showcasing and selling these beautiful ritual antiques. He is the author of three books, ‘Sacred Drums of Siberia,’ ‘Voices From The Earth’ and ‘The Book of the Shaman.'

He produces a podcast called 3Worlds, which is available on iTunes, Spotify and all other normal podcast providers, as well as directly from the link below.

He has worked with many gifted medicine people and shamans over the years, but is now deeply apprenticed to his spirit helpers, whose teachings never fail to awe and surprise him. He has recently received a lifetime honoury membership of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies from Michael Harner.

In his spare time he is a musician with a great interest and love of the early medieval music of the trobadors, and has a collection of nearly 60 medieval and world music plucked stringed instruments, and about the same number of Central Asian rugs - both of which breed well in the damp Welsh air of Pembrokeshire, where he lives.

The 3Worlds Podcast


Personal Wesbite

3Worlds Gallery

Shamanic Teaching Weekends
